Monday, May 8, 2023

Real Estate Investing in Vancouver: Your Guide to Success

Investing in Canadian real estate
offers ample opportunities to diversify portfolios. This guide equips investors with skills to assess investment opportunities in the real estate market. We’ll cover distinguishing investment properties from primary dwellings, assessing market conditions, searching for properties, financing options, managing rental income and expenses, utilizing mortgage helpers, and potential risks. Invest with confidence – read on!

Understanding Investment Properties

An investment property is any real estate other than your principal residence, typically purchased to generate rental income or sell for profit. To gain long-term financial advantages through proper management, it is essential to be aware of the hazards and duties associated with owning an extra property.

Differentiating between Primary Residences and Investment Properties

While a primary residence is your main living space, an
investment property is intended to generate income through renting or reselling. The key difference lies in the purpose; while you may enjoy personal use from a primary residence, investment properties are solely focused on creating financial returns. It’s crucial to remember this distinction when considering potential real estate investments.

Types of Investment Properties

The real estate world offers various investment properties that cater to different investor needs and preferences. Some common examples include:

  • Single-family homes: Detached houses rented out to one tenant or family at a time.
  • Multi-unit buildings: Apartment complexes or duplexes housing multiple tenants simultaneously.
  • Commercial spaces: Office buildings, retail stores, warehouses, etc., leased by businesses for commercial purposes.

Evaluating Market Conditions

The success of an investment property largely depends on market conditions. Most Canadian markets are experiencing a price downturn which may present opportunities for investors. Researching local trends and understanding factors influencing demand will help you make informed decisions when searching for potential real estate investments.

Analyzing Current Housing Market Trends

Analyzing Current Housing Market Trends

Keeping up-to-date with the latest housing market trends is essential to making sound investment decisions. In Canada, various sources provide valuable information about current real estate conditions, such as Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA), and local real estate boards. These organizations provide regular reports on housing starts, sales activity, average prices, inventory levels, and other relevant metrics to help investors assess the state of their local real estate market.

  • Housing Starts: A high number of new residential properties in construction indicates strong demand for homes in a particular area.
  • Sales Activity: An increase in home sales suggests growing buyer interest, while a decrease could signal waning demand or oversupply issues.
  • Average Prices: Tracking price changes over time helps identify whether values rise or fall within specific neighborhoods or property types.
  • Inventory Levels: The ratio between available listings and recent sales provides insight into the market’s competitiveness – low inventory typically means higher competition among buyers. In contrast, high inventory implies less urgency to purchase properties quickly due to ample supply options.

Identifying Areas with High Growth Potential

When searching for investment properties, targeting areas with high growth potential is important. Factors such as population growth, employment opportunities, infrastructure developments, and neighborhood revitalization projects can all contribute to increased demand for housing in a particular area. 

  1. Population Growth: Areas experiencing significant population increases often have a higher demand for housing due to an influx of new residents seeking homes.
  2. Employment Opportunities: Job creation attracts people looking for work or better career prospects, which can increase the need for a rental property or home purchases near major employers.
  3. Infrastructure Developments: New transportation hubs, schools, hospitals, or other public amenities can enhance the desirability of a neighborhood.
  4. Neighborhood Revitalization Projects: Government-led initiatives to improve urban environments through redevelopment may increase property values. 

Searching for Suitable Properties

Securing a beneficial real estate investment necessitates examining multiple factors and making an informed decision thoroughly. When assessing a potential investment property, factors such as the local neighborhood and its appeal to renters/buyers should be considered for optimal returns. This section will explore some essential aspects to remember when evaluating properties and how they can help maximize your profits.

Assessing Neighborhoods and Their Appeal to Renters/Buyers

The location of an investment property plays a crucial role in its success. To attract renters or buyers, focus on areas with strong demand driven by proximity to amenities, public transportation options, reputable schools, and neighborhood demographics. 

  • Amenities: Look for properties close to grocery stores, parks, restaurants, shopping centers, etc., which are attractive features for tenants or buyers.
  • Public Transportation: Easy access to bus routes or train stations is vital as it increases convenience for commuters.
  • School Districts: Selecting an area within a highly-rated school district can boost rental rates or resale values due to increased family demand.
  • Demographics: Research the neighborhood’s demographic profile to ensure it aligns with your target renter or buyer group (e.g., young professionals and families).

Estimating Return on Investments Through Rental Income or Resale Value

Calculate expected returns based on projected rental property rates or resale values before purchasing a property. This will help you determine if a particular property is worth investing in and whether it meets your financial goals.

  1. Rental Income: Estimate monthly rent by researching comparable properties in the area and factoring in any unique features of your potential investment (e.g., recent renovations).
  2. Resale Value: Analyze historical price trends and future growth projections within the neighborhood to estimate potential appreciation over time.
  3. Cash Flow Analysis: Create a detailed cash flow analysis that accounts for all expenses associated with owning an investment property, such as mortgage payments, taxes, insurance premiums, maintenance costs, etc., to determine net income.

Financing Your Investment Property

Financing Your Investment Property

Owning an investment property in Vancouver can be a lucrative venture. Still, it’s crucial to understand the financing options and how they differ from securing a mortgage for your primary residence. This section will explore various financing options and lender requirements specific to real estate investing.

Exploring Various Financing Options

When purchasing an investment property, you may encounter stricter lending requirements due to the perceived risk associated with these types of loans. Some common financing options include:

  • Traditional mortgages: Many banks and credit unions offer mortgages specifically designed for investment properties. However, these typically require higher down payments (usually at least 20%) and may have higher interest rates than owner-occupied residential properties.
  • Private loans: If traditional mortgage lenders aren’t willing to finance your investment property purchase, consider exploring private loan options. Private lenders often provide more flexible terms and faster approval processes than traditional banks; however, they may charge a higher interest rate.
  • Home equity line of credit (HELOC): If you already own a home with significant equity, you could use a HELOC as a funding source for your investment property purchase. This option allows you to access funds based on the value of your existing home without having to sell it first.

Lender Requirements Specific To Real Estate Investing 

In addition to different financing options available when purchasing an investment property in Canada, there are also unique lender requirements that investors should be aware of before applying for any loan:

  1. Credit score: Lenders will evaluate your credit history and score to determine the risk of lending you money. A higher credit score may result in more favorable loan terms, so it’s essential to maintain good financial habits.
  2. Total Debt Service (TDS): This measures your monthly debt payments compared to your gross monthly income. Most lenders prefer a TDS below 44% for investment property loans, but some may have even stricter requirements.
  3. Cash reserves: Lenders may consider whether you have sufficient cash reserves as a safety net for unexpected expenses or vacancies related to their investment properties. Liquid assets like mutual funds and stocks could be liquidated quickly to form part of the cash reserves. 

Managing Rental Income & Expenses

Owning an investment property involves ongoing costs such as property taxes, maintenance expenses, and insurance premiums. Ensuring rental property income covers these costs is essential for a successful investment. Additionally, it’s important to understand the tax implications of owning an additional investment property.

Budgeting for Ongoing Property-Related Expenses

Create a detailed budget outlining all anticipated expenses to manage your investment property finances effectively. This should include items like:

  • Mortgage payments (if applicable)
  • Investment property taxes
  • Insurance premiums
  • Maintenance and repair costs
  • Utilities (if not covered by tenants)
  • Investment property management fees (if using a professional service)

Maintaining accurate accounts of these can assist you in keeping track of the financial standing of your investment and guarantee that you are ready when filing taxes.

Tax Considerations Specific to Investment Properties

In addition to managing regular expenses, it’s crucial to be aware of the unique tax considerations associated with owning an investment property in Vancouver. Some key points include:

  1. Rental income must be reported on your income tax return;
  2. You can claim deductions for eligible operating expenses related to the rental activity;
  3. Capital gains or losses may be incurred when selling or transferring ownership of the property;
  4. The principal residence exemption does not apply to investment properties, meaning you may owe capital gains tax upon sale.

Utilizing Mortgage Helpers

One effective strategy to offset housing costs and generate additional income is using mortgage helpers such as basement suites or accessory dwelling units (ADUs). In this section, we’ll explore the different types of mortgage helpers available and discuss the legal requirements and zoning regulations you need to consider when adding secondary living spaces.

Types of Mortgage Helpers

  • Basement Suites: Also known as secondary suites, these are self-contained living spaces located within a single-family home. They typically include a separate entrance, kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom(s), making them ideal for renting out to tenants. Converting your basement into a suite increases your property value and provides an additional source of rental income.
  • Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs): Standalone structures built on the same lot as your primary residence or investment property. ADUs can take various forms, such as laneway houses, garage conversions, or garden suites. Similar to basement suites, they offer private living quarters that can be rented out for extra income while increasing overall property value.

Legal Requirements & Zoning Regulations

Before converting existing spaces or constructing new ones for use as mortgage helpers, you must familiarize yourself with local building codes and zoning regulations specific to your area. Some key factors you should consider include:

  1. Building Codes & Safety Standards: Ensure your proposed mortgage helper meets all building code requirements, including fire safety measures, ventilation systems, and structural integrity. Be conscious of the potential legal repercussions of not adhering to building codes and safety standards to keep your tenants safe.
  2. Tax Implications: Be aware of any tax implications associated with renting out a portion of your property or constructing an ADU. This may include declaring rental income on your annual tax return and understanding how capital gains taxes apply when selling a property with secondary living spaces.
  3. Zoning Regulations: Check local zoning bylaws to ensure that secondary suites or ADUs are permitted in your area. Some municipalities have specific restrictions on these units’ size, location, or design to maintain neighborhood aesthetics and prevent overcrowding.

Risks & Challenges of Investment Properties

While real estate investing has the potential for significant financial gains, risks include market fluctuations, tenant issues, or unexpected repair costs. 

Market Volatility Impacting Property Values

Property values vary depending on the economy, interest rates, and local supply-demand situations. It’s crucial to stay updated on market trends to make well-informed investment decisions.

Dealing with Vacancies or Problematic Tenants

Tenant-related issues can pose challenges for investors who rely on income from their residential properties. High vacancy rates can lead to lost revenue, while problematic tenants may cause damage or fail to pay rent consistently. To minimize these risks:

  • Vet prospective tenants carefully: Conduct thorough background checks and verify references before signing lease agreements.
  • Maintain open communication: Establish a good rapport with your tenants by being responsive and approachable regarding their concerns.
  • Create clear lease terms: Ensure that all expectations are outlined explicitly within the lease agreement; this includes policies related to late payments, maintenance responsibilities, and eviction procedures if necessary.
  • Hire professional property management services: If you need more time or expertise to manage your investment property, consider hiring a property management company that can handle tenant relations and day-to-day operations on your behalf.


Maximize your financial potential by investing in Vancouver real estate. With the right knowledge of property types, market conditions, financing, rental management, risks, and mortgage helpers, you can achieve long-term passive income and wealth. 
Contact Kim Lee, your Fraser Valley and Greater Vancouver realtor now to get started on your journey toward building wealth through real estate investing in Canada!


Thursday, April 27, 2023

The High Cost of Overpricing Your Home: Tips for Sellers

Explore the negative impact of overpricing a home in the current real estate landscape. We’ll discuss how it affects attracting buyers, increases time on the market, and why it’s important to understand market value versus emotional attachment. We’ll cover mortgage lenders’ reluctance to finance overpriced homes, stale listings, and price reductions. Our expert analysis offers proper pricing strategies based on comparable sales data and current market conditions, along with tips for seeking professional advice from real estate agents or appraisers.

The Dangers of Overpricing Your Home

Overpricing your home can have damaging effects on the selling process, as it may deter potential buyers and prolong the time your property stays on the market. This section will explore these negative consequences and provide insight into how to avoid them to sell your house efficiently.

Difficulty Attracting Prospective Buyers

When a home is priced too high, it becomes less attractive to potential buyers who are likely comparing multiple properties within their budget. This could lead to fewer showings and ultimately result in a lower number of offers received. A study by found that homes priced at or slightly below market value tend to receive more buyer interest than those listed above their true worth.

Increased Time Spent on the Market

A higher asking price often leads to longer days-on-market (DOM), which can be detrimental for sellers looking for a quick sale. Potential buyers may think something is wrong with a property if it sits unsold for too long or if the seller isn’t willing to negotiate on price. According to Zillow data, overpriced homes typically take twice as long to sell compared with accurately priced properties.

Understanding Market Value vs. Emotional Attachment

Understanding Market Value vs. Emotional Attachment
To price your home accurately, separate emotions from the market value. Overvaluing due to sentimental reasons can harm sales prospects. Set realistic expectations and work with a proven Vancouver real estate agent to avoid overpricing pitfalls.

Setting Realistic Expectations for Selling Price

To determine the right asking price for your property, focus on objective factors such as recent sales data, current market conditions, and any unique features that set your home apart. Avoid personal biases and remember that potential buyers won’t share your emotional attachment.

  • Analyze local listings: Research similar homes in terms of size, location, condition, and amenities that have recently been sold to gauge what prices are reasonable.
  • Evaluate improvements: Prioritize buyer preferences or trends over sentimental value.
  • Acknowledge flaws: Be honest about any issues or shortcomings within the property so you can adjust the pricing accordingly. 

Working with an Experienced Real Estate Agent

Partnering with a knowledgeable real estate agent can help you accurately price your home. Leverage their market insight and experience to set a competitive asking price that reflects your property’s true value.

  • Expert guidance: A skilled realtor will provide data-driven advice on how to price your home effectively based on comparable sales, local trends, and buyer demand.
  • Negotiation support: Real estate agents are well-versed in negotiating tactics that can help you secure the best possible outcome. 
  • Emotional buffer: By working with an impartial third party without personal attachment to the property, you’ll benefit from unbiased counsel throughout the pricing process. 

Maximize selling success by understanding your home’s market value and setting realistic expectations.

Mortgage Lenders’ Reluctance for Overpriced Homes

When sellers overprice their homes, banks may not approve loans for significantly over-appraised properties, which can reduce buyer interest and cause transactions to fail. Accurate appraisals are crucial; buyers may need larger down payments for overpriced homes.

Importance of Accurate Appraisals

appraisal is an unbiased professional opinion on a property’s value, typically conducted by a licensed appraiser. Mortgage lenders rely heavily on these assessments to approve a loan application. If your home is overpriced compared to its actual market value, it could be challenging for potential buyers to secure financing from traditional lending institutions.

Buyers Needing Larger Down Payments

  • Suppose your home is significantly overvalued compared to similar properties in the neighborhood. In that case, potential buyers might have difficulty securing adequate financing from mortgage lenders unless they’re able to provide a substantial down payment. 
  • In some cases, even those willing and able to make larger down payments may still face reluctance from lenders because they view the transaction as high-risk given the inflated asking price.
  • Overshooting the market rate on your residence can restrict the number of purchasers with adequate resources to close. 

To avoid complications with mortgage financing and attract serious buyers, sellers must adopt a realistic pricing strategy that accurately reflects their property’s actual market value.

Negative Perception from Potential Buyers


Negative Perception from Potential Buyers

When a home is overpriced, potential buyers may have negative perceptions about its value compared to other properties in the area. This can harm your chances of receiving serious offers and ultimately delay or prevent the sale of your property. 

Comparing Prices with Other Local Listings

Work with an experienced real estate agent to ensure your asking price aligns with current market trends. Setting a significantly higher asking price may deter buyers or create a negative perception of the property.

Impact on Negotiation Power

  • Weakened bargaining position: Overpricing your home could make it difficult to negotiate effectively with prospective buyers since they’ll already be skeptical about the inflated value attached to the property.
  • Limited flexibility: When a house sits unsold due primarily to its high asking price, sellers often find themselves having little room for negotiation as time goes on because reducing their original figure becomes increasingly necessary to get attention back onto the listing itself.
  • Inability to attract multiple offers: If priced correctly initially, however, homeowners stand a better chance of attracting multiple offers from interested parties who recognize true worth within a competitive market environment.

To prevent undesirable outcomes, sellers must determine an accurate asking cost that corresponds with their property’s true worth and current market conditions. 

Stale Listings & Price Reductions

When a property remains unsold for an extended period, it becomes a stale listing. Potential buyers may become wary of such properties, suspecting hidden issues or flaws that have deterred others from making offers. In these situations, sellers often find themselves forced into multiple price reductions, which can significantly impact their final sales profit margin.

How Lengthy Days-on-Market Impacts Perceived Value

Lengthy Days-on-Market (DOM) creates the impression of an overpriced or flawed property, reducing buyer interest and making negotiation harder. To maintain perceived value, use strategies like staging or offering incentives to sell quickly.

Avoiding Excessive Price Drops

  • Analyze comparable sales data: Before setting your initial asking price, research recent sale prices of similar properties in your neighborhood to establish a competitive range based on current market conditions.
  • Work closely with an experienced real estate agent: A knowledgeable professional will provide invaluable guidance throughout the pricing process and help ensure you don’t make costly mistakes due to emotional attachment or unrealistic expectations.
  • Maintain flexibility: Be prepared to adjust your asking price, if necessary, after receiving feedback from potential buyers or observing shifts in the Vancouver market. Regularly review your listing price and make changes to align it with current trends.

To secure a favorable sale outcome, avoid excessive price drops and maintain a strong negotiating position. Fair market value is determined by what buyers are willing to pay, not just sellers’ hopes. 

The Importance of Proper Pricing Strategies


The Importance of Proper Pricing Strategies

Accurately pricing your home will help achieve a successful sale. This section will explore various methods to help you determine your property’s accurate, competitive asking price.

Analyzing Comparable Sales Data

One of the most effective ways to establish a fair market value for your home is by analyzing
comparable sales data. This involves researching recently sold properties in your area that are similar in size, condition, and features. By looking at recently sold properties in the same area that share similarities such as size, condition, and features, you can understand what purchasers are ready to pay for a home like yours.

  • Consider factors such as square footage, number of bedrooms and bathrooms, lot size, and any unique amenities or upgrades.
  • Take note of how long each comparable property was on the market before it sold – this can give you an idea of how quickly homes move in your neighborhood.
  • If possible, attend open houses or schedule private showings to get a firsthand look at competing listings and assess their overall appeal compared to yours.

Factoring In Current Market Conditions

In addition to analyzing comparable sales data, consider the current real estate market conditions when determining an appropriate listing price. Factors such as interest rates, housing trends, local economic indicators (e.g., job growth), and inventory levels (supply vs. demand) can significantly impact buyer behavior and ultimately affect their willingness to pay for a home. Here are some tips:

  • Stay current with Vancouver real estate news and trends by monitoring reputable sources such as newspapers or industry reports.
  • Consult a knowledgeable Vancouver realtor who can provide expert guidance on how current market conditions may influence your pricing strategy.

Seeking Professional Advice from a Vancouver Realtor

Seeking advice from a Vancouver realtor can offer valuable insights into your home’s current market value. With access to recent sales data and industry expertise, they can accurately assess what buyers are willing to pay for similar properties. This information can help you make informed decisions about pricing strategies.

Regularly Reviewing and Adjusting Listing Prices if Necessary

Stay up to date with supply and demand changes by reviewing comparable home prices in your area. Adjust your listing price accordingly if there has been a significant shift in the market, even if this means lowering the asking price slightly.

  • Analyze Comparable Sales Data: Research recently sold properties within proximity that shares similar features (e.g., size, age) as yours. 
  • Factor In Current Market Conditions: Consider how interest rates, inventory levels, and local economic trends may impact buyer behavior.
  • Be Objective: It’s natural to feel emotionally attached to your home, but it’s important not to let these feelings cloud your judgment when setting a price. 
  • Avoid Overpricing Out of Fear: Some sellers may be tempted to set an inflated asking price in anticipation of negotiation or potential lowball offers. However, this approach can backfire by scaring away prospective buyers altogether. 

By pricing your home reasonably and realistically, you can avoid common overpricing mistakes and maximize the potential of selling for a higher price. Remember that working closely with experienced professionals like Kim Lee – Vancouver Realtor, can provide invaluable guidance throughout this process, ensuring you achieve optimal results in today’s competitive real estate market.


Overpricing your home can negatively impact the selling process, prolonging the time on the market and deterring potential buyers. Separate emotional attachment from market value and work with an experienced real estate agent to set realistic expectations for selling prices. Analyze comparable sales data and seek professional advice to avoid overpricing pitfalls and prevent stagnant listings.

If you want to buy or sell a home, contact Kim Lee, a trusted real estate agent with an excellent track record of helping clients navigate the Metro Vancouver and Fraser Valley housing market.


Monday, April 24, 2023

Condo Buying: Pros & Cons

When considering the various aspects of condo-buying pros and cons, it’s essential to dive into factors that can impact your decision-making process profoundly. Condo living can be desirable for those just starting or seeking an effortless lifestyle. However, before making this significant investment, it’s essential to consider the potential drawbacks associated with condo buying.

We will assess the pros and cons of condos versus single-family homes by comparing affordability, appreciation rates, location, and convenience regarding amenities and public transportation options. We’ll delve into Homeowners Association (HOA) fees, including maintenance coverage and factors affecting fee amounts.

Furthermore, you’ll learn about unique assessment risks associated with condo living along with how to evaluate the financial stability of an HOA. As part of exploring condo buying pros and cons, we’ll discuss living under management rules such as restrictions on renovations and enforcing community regulations. Additionally, we will examine limited common elements within condominium communities that may impact your overall experience.

Lastly, you’ll learn why talking to neighbors before purchasing is crucial in assessing resident satisfaction levels while uncovering any potential issues you should be aware of during your real estate journey. Ready to find your dream home? Look no further than our homepage! It’s the perfect starting point for your search.

Adjusting Condo Valuation

Condo living can be a desirable choice for those wanting to become homeowners, as they tend to cost less than single-family dwellings. In recent years before the rise of the interest rates, condos had steadily appreciated, although at a different pace than single-family homes. Many options exist with various price points within the condo market, including the first-time home buyer’s market.

Affordability Compared to Single-Family Homes

The lower price point of condos is one of the main reasons they are so popular among first-time homeowners and those on a budget. According to
The Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver, the median price for a condo is often significantly less than that of a freestanding home. This makes it easier for potential buyers with limited funds or smaller mortgages to enter the real estate market without breaking the bank.

Location and Convenience

One of the most appealing aspects of
condo living is the prime location many condominiums offer. So close to vibrant downtown areas, condo owners can easily access various amenities and attractions. This urban lifestyle appeals particularly to young professionals and empty nesters who value convenience and proximity to entertainment options.

Proximity to Amenities and Attractions

A significant advantage of choosing a condo over a single-family or freestanding home is its strategic placement near popular city centers. Living in these condo developments, you’ll find yourself within walking distance from trendy shopping districts, fine dining establishments, cultural events, parks, museums, and art galleries – all contributing towards an enriched quality of life. Additionally, condos share common areas such as fitness centers or swimming pools that provide residents with opportunities for leisure activities without leaving their community.

  • Easier access to shops and restaurants
  • Cultural events at your doorstep
  • Amenities like gyms or pools are available on-site 

Accessible Public Transportation

Besides being surrounded by various amenities, many condos are also located near public transportation hubs, making it easier for residents who rely on buses or trains for daily commutes. As more people become environmentally conscious about reducing carbon footprints through carpooling or utilizing public transit systems instead of driving personal vehicles – this added benefit becomes increasingly attractive when considering potential homes.

Choosing a condo in an urban setting offers numerous advantages regarding location and convenience. Living in a condo complex can be pleasant and useful for your way of life, with simple admittance to facilities, entertainment spots, and open transport alternatives.

In addition, when purchasing a condo, HOA fees should be considered as they are additional expenses to account for.

Homeowners Association (HOA) Fees

When purchasing a condo, you must pay monthly
homeowners association fees, which cover the maintenance of common areas such as landscaping or shared facilities like pools or gyms. However, these fees can vary greatly depending on community age and size. Therefore, potential condo buyers need to understand what is included in their HOA fees and how they may affect their overall living experience.

Maintenance Coverage with HOA Fees

In most
condo communities, the homeowners association maintains all common areas within the development. The HOA’s duties involve:

  • Covering the external areas and grounds upkeep.
  • Snow clearing.
  • Garbage disposal.
  • Ensuring that amenities such as swimming pools and exercise facilities are in good condition.

By paying your monthly HOA fee, you contribute to this collective fund that ensures your community remains well-maintained and visually appealing.

  • Pros: Less personal responsibility for property upkeep; professionally managed services ensure consistent quality.
  • Cons: Limited control over service providers; potentially higher costs than self-managed maintenance.

Factors Affecting Fee Amounts

The amount you’ll pay in HOA fees depends on several variables specific to each condominium complex. Some of these factors include:

  1. Amenities offered: The more extensive the amenities provided by a condo development – such as swimming pools, tennis courts, or concierge services – the higher your monthly dues will likely be due to increased operating expenses associated with managing those features effectively year-round.
  2. Age of the community: Older communities may have higher HOA fees as they require more frequent maintenance and repairs. On the other hand, newer developments charge higher prices to cover initial setup costs or establish reserve funds for future expenses.
  3. Size of the development: Larger condo complexes with many units can often benefit from economies of scale, resulting in lower per-unit HOA fees compared to smaller developments where fewer homeowners share common expenses proportionately amongst themselves overall.

To make a well-informed decision about whether condo living is right for you, it’s crucial to consider your potential monthly mortgage payment and any additional costs associated with being part of an organized community. This includes those incurred through mandatory participation within its governing body – namely: homeowner associations.

HOA fees can be a beneficial tool for ensuring the upkeep of one’s condo, yet it is essential to consider elements that could alter the amount you’ll pay. When evaluating an HOA, understanding unique assessment risks and their financial stability are also key to making an informed decision.

Special Assessments & Financial Health of the HOA

When you acquire a condo, recognizing the part of the homeowners association (HOA) overseeing and keeping up your locale is basic. One aspect of this management is the possibility of special assessments – additional costs outside regular monthly dues – arising from unforeseen repairs or improvements needed within their community. In this section, we’ll discuss what special assessments are and why evaluating the financial health of an HOA is crucial for potential condo buyers.

Understanding Special Assessment Risks

A special assessment is an extra fee levied by the HOA when its reserve fund or monthly fees do not cover unexpected expenses. These could include major repairs like fixing a damaged roof or upgrading common areas like landscaping or shared facilities like pools or gyms. As a condo owner, if the board votes for these additional costs, you will be legally required to pay them.

  • Risk #1: Unexpected Expenses – You may face sudden financial burdens due to unplanned repair work in your condominium complex.
  • Risk #2: Limited Control – Condo owners have limited control over their respective boards’ decisions regarding how much they need to contribute towards these assessments.
  • Risk #3: Resale Value Impact – A history of frequent special assessments might deter future buyers from purchasing your unit, affecting its resale value negatively.

Evaluating HOA Financial Stability

To avoid unpleasant surprises in the future, prospective buyers must investigate the financial health of the HOA before making a purchase. Here are some steps you can take to ensure your potential condo community is financially stable:

  1. Review Financial Statements: Request and examine the HOA’s financial statements, including balance sheets, income statements, and reserve studies. Examine the HOA’s financials to determine if it has been adequately preparing for future expenses.
  2. Analyze Reserve Funds: A healthy reserve fund indicates that the HOA has proactively planned for future expenses. Conversely, this could be a red flag if it appears underfunded or nonexistent.
  3. Research Past Special Assessments: Inquire about any past special assessments levied by the board and what they were used for. Frequent special assessments might indicate poor financial management or ongoing issues within the community.
  4. Talk to Current Residents: Speak with current residents about their experiences paying special assessments or dealing with unexpected costs related to their condos’ upkeep and maintenance.

Understanding special assessment risks and evaluating an HOA’s financial stability should be top priorities when purchasing a condominium unit. Doing so will minimize surprises while ensuring your investment remains secure throughout your time as a condo owner.

When considering the financial health of an HOA, it is important to understand any potential special assessment risks and evaluate their stability. Moving on from this, living under management rules should also be taken into account when considering condo buying pros and cons, including restrictions on renovations or modifications and enforcing community regulations.

Living Under Management Rules

Owning a condo can be challenging due to the homeowners association’s (HOA) regulations, limiting control over the living environment and lifestyle decisions. These rules can affect unit modifications, renovations, and everyday lifestyle choices. This section will explore some standard management rules that may impact condo life and how you can adapt to them.

Restrictions on Renovations and Modifications

In most condominium communities, making significant changes to your unit requires approval from the HOA or its architectural review committee. This process ensures that all alterations align with community standards and maintain property values. However, condo owners may find that they are restricted in terms of customizing their homes.

  • Exterior Changes: Condo associations often regulate exterior modifications such as window replacements or adding balconies since these changes can impact neighboring units and overall aesthetics.
  • Flooring Upgrades: If you’re considering changing your flooring material in a multi-story building, be aware of potential noise concerns for neighbors below.
  • Pet Policies: Some condominiums enforce strict pet policies limiting size or breed types allowed within the community; make sure you know these guidelines before moving in with your furry friend.

Enforcing Community Rules

Beyond physical alterations to units, living under management rules also involves adhering to shared space usage regulations — such as parking areas or recreational facilities — along with general conduct expectations among residents. While these rules aim to maintain a harmonious living environment, they can sometimes feel restrictive for those who value autonomy.

  • Noise Restrictions: Many condos enforce strict noise policies to ensure peaceful coexistence among neighbors, including designated quiet hours or limitations on hosting large gatherings.
  • Parking Regulations: Condo communities often have specific parking guidelines that allocate spaces and regulate visitor parking; ensure you know these rules before inviting guests.
  • Amenity Usage: Shared amenities like pools, gyms, or clubhouses may include usage restrictions such as guest limits or reservation requirements. Familiarize yourself with these regulations to avoid any surprises down the line.

Potential buyers need to understand the management rules governing their chosen community. By respecting these guidelines and adapting your lifestyle accordingly, you’ll be well-prepared for a successful transition into condominium living.

Living under management rules can be a great way to ensure that your condo complex is well-maintained and secure. However, it also comes with certain restrictions on renovations and modifications. On the other hand, understanding limited common elements in your condo building can help you determine what areas all owners share versus those exclusive to each unit owner.

Limited Common Elements

When purchasing a condo, you must understand the concept of
limited common elements. These features fall outside the realm of your standard unit but aren’t exactly common areas either. Examples include balconies, parking spaces, and storage units. Clarifying which aspects of your property are limited common elements can help you decide whether condo living is right for you.

Identifying Limited Common Elements

In most condo communities, limited common elements are designated in the condominium declaration or bylaws. As a prospective purchaser, it is critical to thoroughly analyze these papers before submitting an offer for the property. Some key questions to ask when identifying limited common elements include:

  • Which features outside my unit am I responsible for maintaining?
  • Are there any shared facilities (e.g., pools or gyms) that only particular residents can access?
  • What are the rules regarding the usage and maintenance of these areas?

Impact on Condo Living Experience

The presence and management of limited common elements can significantly impact your overall experience as a condo owner. For instance, if you’re required to maintain your balcony independently from other owners in the building, this could lead to additional costs and responsibilities compared with living in a freestanding home where homeowners association fees typically cover all exterior maintenance.

Beyond financial considerations, limited common elements can also affect your sense of community within the building. For example, if specific amenities are only accessible to a select group of residents, this could create divisions and tensions among neighbors.

Before making an offer on a condo, it’s essential to weigh the pros and cons associated with limited common elements concerning your personal preferences and lifestyle needs. For example, condo life might be a great decision if you value privacy and independence over shared facilities or communal living spaces. However, suppose you prefer easy access to all available amenities without additional responsibilities or costs tied to your unit’s exterior features (such as balconies). In that case, exploring other real estate options like single-family homes may better suit your desires.

A few shared components can considerably affect the condo lifestyle, so it’s essential to consider them before talking. Talking to neighbors before making a purchase can provide valuable insight into resident satisfaction as well as uncover any potential issues that may exist.

Talking to Neighbors Before Buying

A better understanding of life in the complex can be accomplished by conversing with residents about their experiences. This can provide valuable insights into any issues related specifically to general pros and cons associated generally across all types of condos and those unique challenges faced by individuals who’ve chosen this location over others available nearby marketplaces today. In this section, we will discuss the importance of assessing resident satisfaction and uncovering potential issues before making your decision.

Assessing Resident Satisfaction

When considering purchasing a condo, it’s essential to gauge current residents’ satisfaction. You can do this by conversing casually with neighbors while visiting the property or attending open houses. Ask them about their experience with a homeowners association (HOA), maintenance services, and overall community atmosphere. Their firsthand accounts will give you an accurate picture of what you can expect as a future condo owner.

  • Are they happy with the management team?
  • How responsive is the HOA when addressing concerns or complaints?
  • Are monthly fees reasonable for the amenities provided?
  • What social events or activities does the community organize for its members?

Uncovering Potential Issues

In addition to evaluating resident satisfaction levels, talking to neighbors may help you uncover potential problems that could impact your enjoyment of condo life. For example:

  1. Noise Levels: Ask if there have been any issues with excessive noise from neighboring units or common areas. This could be a warning sign if you’re searching for a tranquil living space.
  2. Parking: Inquire about the availability of parking spaces and whether there have been any disputes over assigned spots. Limited parking can cause tension among condo owners, so it’s essential to understand the situation before committing to a purchase.
  3. Rules Enforcement: Find out how strict the HOA is when enforcing community rules, such as pet policies or restrictions on exterior modifications. More restrictive regulations may suit your lifestyle if you value your freedom and autonomy.

Talking to neighbors is an invaluable step in determining whether a particular condominium complex aligns with your needs and preferences as a potential buyer. By gathering information from current residents, you’ll be better equipped to make an informed decision about purchasing your new home in one of Vancouver’s thriving condo communities.


In conclusion, condo buying has its pros and cons. For those looking to purchase a home, it’s crucial to weigh the advantages of location convenience and potential for appreciation against the drawbacks of HOA fees, special assessments, living under management rules, and limited common elements. Before settling on a purchase of a condo or other real estate, converse with those already living in your desired location and look into pricing trends to make the most suitable choice for yourself.

If you want to buy a condo in Vancouver, contact the top Vancouver realtor, Kim Lee, for tips to make the process easier. She is your go-to source for all things related to condos in Vancouver. On top of that, stay up-to-date on new condo listings and changing market prices by signing up for our email listing alerts today!


Sunday, April 23, 2023

4 Things That Could Fail Your Home Inspection: Unlock the Secrets!

Before committing to a home purchase, it helps to be aware of potential issues that may arise during the inspection process. From foundation issues to plumbing problems and electrical concerns, understanding what could fail an inspection is essential for any potential homeowner. Knowing what types of structural damage or roofing issues may be present in your future home will help you decide whether this property is right for you. This article will delve into the usual problems that cause a home inspection to be unsuccessful, so you can be more equipped when making such a significant investment.

1. Foundation Issues

Signs of Foundation Problems:

Homeowners should be aware of the common signs of foundation problems. These include cracks in walls, floors, or ceilings; doors and windows that don’t open or close properly. Additional issues include:

  • Sagging or uneven floors.
  • A visible separation between walls.
  • Water pooling near the foundation after heavy rains.

If any of these issues are present, it is important to contact a professional for an inspection as soon as possible.

Common Causes of Foundation Issues:

Several factors can cause foundation issues, including poor soil conditions, such as expansive clay soils, which swell when wet and shrink when dry, causing movement in the foundation’s structure. Poor drainage around the home can also lead to standing water under the house, which leads to mold and mildew. With the heavy rain in Metro Vancouver, avoiding foundation repair can save you thousands of dollars. Improperly compacted fill dirt used during construction may not provide adequate support leading to settlement issues. In addition, tree roots growing too close to the foundation of a home can cause structural damage due to their search for moisture underground, pushing against foundation walls and creating cracks and instability in them over time.

Foundation issues can be costly to repair and should not be taken lightly. 

2. Plumbing Problems

Plumbing problems can be a major headache for homebuyers. Plumbing issues vary widely and more severe problems can lead to costly repairs and water damage if not addressed quickly, such as burst pipes. Recognizing the signs of plumbing problems earlier is essential so you don’t have an even bigger problem later.

An unexpected surge in your water bill can be a telltale indication of plumbing issues. If your monthly bill has spiked without any changes in usage, it could be due to a leak somewhere in your system. Other warning signs include:

  • Low water pressure.
  • Strange noises from pipes or drains.
  • Standing water around fixtures or appliances such as dishwashers and washing machines.

Common causes of plumbing issues include worn-out parts like washers and gaskets, tree roots growing into underground pipes, corrosion caused by hard water buildup over time, and clogs caused by debris buildup inside drain lines. In some cases, poor installation may also cause leaks or issues requiring a plumber’s attention.

To fix plumbing issues at home, you should start by inspecting all exposed pipes for cracks or leaks. Replacing outdated components with new ones from a local hardware store is necessary. For severe blockages, use specialized cleaning solutions designed specifically for unclogging drains; never pour grease down any drain, as this will only worsen the problem. Lastly, have a licensed plumber inspect your system annually to ensure everything runs smoothly throughout the year. Prevention is vital when it comes to avoiding costly repair bills later down the line.

Plumbing woes can be pricey and laborious, so potential homeowners must watch for any plumbing problems during a home assessment. 

3. Electrical Problems

Signs of electrical issues can be hard to detect, yet here are some helpful tips that will help. If your lights flicker or dim, it could indicate a problem with the wiring in your home. Another sign is if outlets feel hot when touched; this could mean too much electricity is running through them and must be addressed. You may also notice sparks from an outlet or switch, which can signify loose connections or faulty wiring. Lastly, if you hear buzzing noises from outlets or switches, it’s likely due to a bad connection in the system.

Common Causes of Electrical Issues:

The most common cause of electrical issues is outdated wiring systems. Older homes often have old wires that can’t handle today’s power. Other causes include:

  • Water damage (which can corrode wires).
  • Overloaded circuits (from using too many appliances at once).
  • Improper installation (such as not having enough outlets).

Engaging a qualified electrician may sometimes be necessary to rectify electrical issues. They will assess what needs to be done before starting any repairs and inspect all areas where electricity runs throughout your home. After identifying any problems, they will replace broken components with new ones and ensure everything is up-to-code before turning it back on. This ensures that everything is functioning optimally so you can avoid any future issues.

Preventing electrical problems can save homeowners time and money, so take the necessary precautions. 

4. Roofing Problems

Roofing problems can be a significant source of frustration for homeowners. Knowing the signs, common causes, and solutions to roofing issues is crucial for keeping your home in top condition.

Start by checking to see if water is seeping into your home, visible shingle damage, or mildew/mold growth near the roofline. Other symptoms include:

  • Sagging ceilings.
  • Cracked paint around windowsills/doorframes by attic space.
  • Missing granules from asphalt roofs.
  • Clogged gutters between sloped parts with excessive debris like twigs & leaves. 

Poor installation is the root of many roofing issues, such as unsuitable materials, insufficient ventilation, inadequate flashing around chimneys; lack of proper sealant application, and inferior nail fasteners used when installing new shingles. Additionally, weather-related events like high winds can blow off loose shingle tabs, or hail can cause damage to existing material. 

Once an inspector determines what repairs need doing, they’ll provide recommendations based on their findings and cost estimates, so you know exactly how much money you will need to spend. Having an expert check and fix your roofing problems ensures the repair is done correctly.

Furthermore, it’s helpful to consider potential future maintenance costs associated with the repairs to ensure your roof remains in good condition. Overall, entrusting an experienced specialist to evaluate and fix your roof troubles is a prudent decision that can pay off in the long haul.

It doesn’t hurt to periodically inspect your roof for any indications of damage, as neglecting these issues can lead to pricey repairs if not dealt with quickly. 


When preparing for a home inspection, it is imperative to be aware of the potential pitfalls that could lead to an unsuccessful outcome. Foundation issues, plumbing problems, electrical problems, and roofing problems – are all common culprits of failed inspections. Buyers can make more informed decisions throughout their real estate journey with proper preparation and understanding of what could potentially fail a home inspection.

Having an experienced Vancouver realtor – Kim Lee, in your corner can help you navigate the home-buying process with her expertise and market insights. With her by your side, you can rest assured knowing that your home-purchasing journey will be thorough, with your best interest at the forefront of everything she does.

FAQs about Things That Fail a Home Inspection

A home evaluation may unearth various issues that could affect the worth or state of a Metro Vancouver or Fraser Valley property. These include structural problems such as foundation cracks, roof leaks, and mold; electrical hazards like faulty wiring and overloaded circuits; plumbing concerns like clogged drains and leaking pipes; pest infestations from termites to rodents. Recognizing these potential problems before signing the final paperwork is essential, as they could necessitate expensive fixes.

Common problems found in home inspections include issues with the roof, foundation, plumbing, and electrical systems. Other potential problems may involve water damage or mold growth due to inadequate ventilation or poor drainage. Inspectors inspect for structural instability, such as splits in walls and floors, uneven settling, or other signs that might indicate the need for repairs.

Red flags in a home inspection can include evidence of:

  • Water damage
  • Mold growth
  • Structural issues such as cracks in the foundation or walls
  • Electrical problems like outdated wiring or inadequate outlets and switches
  • Pest infestations (termites/rodents)
  • Poor ventilation leads to air quality concerns
  • HVAC system issues such as age and wear-and-tear on the unit itself

Other red flags may include fire safety hazards like blocked exits or missing smoke detectors. Costly repairs should be taken into account when buying a house due to the presence of potential risks.


Tuesday, March 28, 2023

What is GST? The Tax on New Homes in BC

The goods and services tax (GST) written in a note.

Between appraisals, numerous fees, and the closing paperwork, trying to track how much a real estate transaction costs can be daunting. However, the more you know, the better prepared you’ll be. 

One of the important fees you should know about is the Goods and Services Tax (GST) on new homes. In this post, we’ll discuss what qualifies as a “new home” in BC, who pays GST, when it’s due, and how to qualify for a rebate. 

Let’s get started.

What is GST?

GST is a 5% tax you pay on various goods and services you purchase and enjoy. You pay GST on everything from clothes, shoes, cars, and soft drinks. In real estate, you also pay GST on new homes. In other words, if your new home costs $500,000, you’ll need to pay an additional 5%, or $25,000, on top of your purchase price.

What is Considered a New Home?

Here’s the good news: if your home isn’t new, you don’t have to pay GST. This tax only gets paid once, and it’s done so by the first people to live in it. If you’re moving into a newly-constructed condo or townhouse, then you’re responsible for paying GST. However, if you’re the second, third, or fourth person to own it, someone else has already paid GST for the property, so you don’t have to worry about it. 

Who Pays GST?

As mentioned above, the first buyer of a brand-new property is the one responsible for paying GST.

The only scenario in which the first buyer isn’t required to pay GST is if there’s an assignment of contract. This contract is commonly used when real estate investors facilitate a sale between the owner and the end buyer. When this happens, the first buyer isn’t the first one actually moving into the home and therefore is not responsible for paying GST. However, they will have to pay capital gains on the profit they make from the sale. 

When is GST Due?

GST is due once the real estate transaction is complete. Your real estate attorney or notary will include the tax when preparing the statement of adjustments. Sometimes, the GST is already included in the home purchase price. Double-check just in case your attorney or notary accidentally charges you twice. 

How to Qualify for a GST Rebate

If you’re on the hook for paying GST, you might qualify for a rebate. If you don’t want to do the math, we’ve also included a GST calculator to make your life easier. There are three different types of rebates available:

  • GST New Housing Rebate – Full
  • GST New Housing Rebate – Partial
  • GST New Residential Rental Rebate

GST New Housing Rebate – Full Rebate

If the home you bought is going to be your primary residence and the purchase price is $350,000 or less, you qualify for a full rebate. However, the term “full” here is a bit of a misnomer. The “full” rebate is 36% of your 5% GST. 

To see how this works, let’s assume the following:

Purchase price: $300,000

GST: 5%, or $15,000

Home cost after GST: $315,000

GST: $15,000

Full rebate: 36%, or $5,400

GST after full rebate: $9,600 

Home cost after GST with full rebate: $309,600

GST New Housing Rebate – Partial Rebate

You’ll qualify for a partial rebate if your home’s purchase price is between $350,000 and $450,000.

The formula is: $6,300 X [$450,000 – Purchase Price] / $100,000 

Here’s how this works:

Purchase price: $425,000

GST: 5%, or $21,250

Home cost after GST: $471,250

Partial rebate calculation: $6,300 X [$450,000 – $425,000] / $100,000 = $1,575

Home cost after GST with partial rebate: $471,250 – $1,575 = $469,675

GST New Residential Rental Rebate

Are you planning to rent your new home instead of using it at your primary residence? If so, you qualify for the GST New Residential Rebate. The calculations are identical to the New Housing Rebates—both full and partial. 

To qualify, you must also satisfy the following conditions:

  • As the buyer, you cannot claim input tax credits for any portion of the tax due on the purchase of the rental unit.
  • To be considered a “qualifying residential unit,” you must own the property, and it must fit the Excise Tax Act’s definition of a self-contained residence. 
  • You must hold the unit with the intention of using it for tax-exempt purposes.
  • Your tenants must use the home as their primary residence for at least one year, and you must have a copy of the tenancy agreement to prove this. 

What is GST: Our Final Thoughts

No one wants to pay an additional 5% on top of their home’s purchase price. However, you only have to worry about paying GST for a new home. If you do have to pay GST, don’t forget to double-check to make sure it’s not already included in the purchase price. 

Also, there are plenty of additional benefits and incentives for home buyers to offset the cost of GST, such as the first-time home buyer incentive program or the home buyers’ plan. If you still have more questions about GST or home buying, please contact Kim Lee, your Greater Vancouver realtor!


Monday, March 13, 2023

What is Canada’s New Anti-Flipping Tax?

If you plan on buying and flipping your home for profit, you may want to think twice. 

The intent behind the new anti-flipping tax measure is to slow the rising property costs and make homeownership more affordable for potential buyers. As of January 1, 2023, if you sell a residential or rental property you’ve held for less than a year, your profits will be taxed as business income. 

In this post, we’ll explain why the anti-flipping tax exists, how it impacts house flippers and homeowners, and who’s exempt from this new law. 

What is House Flipping?

Before we dive in, let’s clarify what house flipping is. According to
BiggerPockets, “House flipping is a form of real estate investing where you buy a property, improve it, and then quickly sell it for a profit.”

For example, let’s say you buy a property for $500,000, but instead of calling it home, you spend $40,000 on renovations to increase its value. Then, a few months later, you resell the property for $700,000. For just a few months of work, your profit will be $160,000, minus the closing costs and capital gains. That’s basically how house flipping works. 

Why the New Anti-Flipping Tax Exists

House flipping impacts more than just the flipper. The good news is that you made a profit by converting a $500,000 house into a $700,000 home. The bad news is that you’re not the only one doing it. Even though this is a made-up example, houses usually take much longer than mere months to substantially increase in value. 

While house flipping in Canada isn’t the only reason housing prices are rising, the Federal Government believes it’s an attributing factor. The Federal Government strives to reduce speculative demand in high-value markets like Vancouver by enforcing an anti-flipping tax. 

Real estate speculation occurs when housing is treated like a market investment instead of an opportunity to house people. It often leads to:

  • Skyrocketing housing costs
  • Predatory landlord practices
  • Displacement
  • Poorer building management
  • Increased eviction and vacancy rates

As Vancouver residents and neighbors have undoubtedly noticed, real estate is getting pretty expensive. Canadian homes have seen an average increase of 375% from 1996 – 2021. Homes worth $200,000 then are worth $750,000 now, and many Vancouver residences have experienced even more dramatic increases. While the anti-flipping tax probably won’t prevent the adverse impacts of speculations and stop homes from increasing in value, it could slow these processes.

How Will the Anti-Flipping Tax Impact Homeowners?

If you’ve owned a home for longer than 12 months, or you’re a new homeowner with no intention of selling within a year of buying, this tax won’t impact you. The intent behind the law is to improve long-term homeownership rates, not to punish those who already own. 

However, if you are in the house-flipping business, this law can substantially cut into your profits. 

Before this tax came into being, if you were to sell a residential property that you either used personally or to generate rental income, the profits would be considered capital gains. However, if the property was also considered your primary residence, you can claim the primary residence exemption and avoid paying taxes on any of your gains. If it’s not your primary residence and you’re ineligible for the exemption, only 50% of the profits from your sale would be subject to taxation. 

Returning to our earlier example, if you bought your home for $500,000, sold it for $700,000, and qualified for the primary residence exemption, you can avoid paying a capital gains tax. If you don’t qualify for the exemption, you would have to pay capital gains tax on half of your profit. In other words, out of your $200,000 profit, you would have to pay taxes on $100,000 of it. 

The only way your sale would be fully taxed as business income is if the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) could prove one of two things:

  1. The home you sold was not your principal residence
  2. Your main intention when acquiring the property was to flip it and turn a profit

With the anti-flipping tax now in effect, the CRA no longer has to prove either of these things. If you buy a home and then resell it within 12 months, it’s considered business income, and you’ll have to pay capital gains for the full 100% or all $200,000 of your profit. 

Exceptions to the Anti-Flipping Rules

As with all rules, there are some exceptions. You can avoid having to pay the anti-flipping tax if you sell your residential property within 12 months due to one of the following:

  • A new addition to your household (e.g., birth, adoption, a parent moves in)
  • Divorce or dissolution of common-law partnership
  • Serious illness or disability of a resident
  • Death of a resident
  • You relocate for work*
  • Involuntary termination of employment
  • Involuntary disposition (e.g., a natural disaster)
  • Insolvency
  • Your personal safety is threatened

*If you’re relocated for work, your new home must be at least 40 kilometers closer to your new work location.

If you sell your residence within twelve months of buying, make sure you get the proper documentation to prove that you qualify for one of these exceptions. The burden of proof will be on you, not the CRA. 

Will You Be Affected by the New Anti-Flipping Rules?

Vancouver is consistently ranked as one of the world’s most livable and cleanest cities. Each of our vibrant neighborhoods has a unique blend of cultures and vibes, and there’s always something fun and different going on. It’s no wonder why the
homes for sale are increasing in value. 

Hopefully, this anti-flipping tax will help make buying homes in Vancouver more affordable for those who wish to live here. If you’re one of them or are concerned that the new anti-flipping rules will affect you, send us a message! We’re always here to chat. 
